Newsletter to all members March 2024
We are all thinking of Les Maffey and wish him well for a return to more healthy ways. He had organised an end of season lunch on 27th March to say farewell to our winter members but sadly was not well enough to attend. Pauline Chrismas very kindly took over the management of the day, very ably assisted by Barbara and Jill who did the shopping and worked hard in the kitchen. Our grateful thanks go to them all, and to Ken Attridge who organised a quiz when rain prevented play and to everyone who attended for your generosity with the raffle. A total of £335 was raised which will be used to spend on items such as new equipment, to be decided in due course, for the benefit of all at our Club.
The new summer season approaches and new fixture cards will be issued when you have renewed your membership. The cards have dates of other events such as Ladies Invitation Day, Ladies Ruby Day, Cliff Hewlett Triples Competition, President’s Day and President’s team v Captain’s team day.
Details of fees, due on 1st April, have been issued and are available on the noticeboard. Please make sure that you give the office your emergency contact details and that your phone number(s) and email address are up to date. Please feel free to take a set of 25th Anniversary stickers.
Dave Morgan is organising this year’s Club competitions. Entry forms are available at the time of membership renewal, £2 per competition, open to all, and more entries means better competitions. There is a slight rule change this year – singles and triples stay the same (21 shots/points in singles and 18 ends in triples), but pairs will be played over 16 ends. The draw for all competitions will be made in the Clubroom on Friday 3rd May after morning roll-up when all are welcome to attend. Fish and chips can be ordered and the bar will be open – watch the noticeboard for details.
Congratulations to Keith Charbit-Miiddleton and Tony Stocker who won the Club Winter Pairs Competition final on Monday 25th March, beating Dave Morgan and Brenda Davis.
We look forward to our 25th Anniversary party on Saturday 13th April. All places are now booked. We will be welcoming guests from Totton & Eling Town Council, NF and S&D Bowling Associations and, hopefully, our sponsors Leightons.
Our annual Spring Fayre is on Saturday 11th May for which thanks are due to Barbara and Jill for organising. Details of stalls, requests for volunteer helpers and for raffle prizes will be on the noticeboard soon.
Bowls’ Big Weekend is on Saturday 25th May and we’ll be asking for volunteer helpers nearer the date. Let’s hope that we recruit some more new bowlers.
We have a new supply of club towels and caps, available from the office. Towels are £6, caps and hats are £8.
Our thanks are due at the end of the winter season to Kevin Bushell for organising Friendlies. We are seeking a volunteer to succeed Kevin from September! Also, thanks to Joyce and Keith for organising several enjoyable social events. Bob Masters has agreed to succeed Keith in assisting Joyce and has several good ideas for activities and events to engage us after the summer season is over.
Age UK have organised a petition entitled ‘Stop online being the only option’. We are all aware of digital exclusion, even if it doesn’t affect all of us. Copies of the petition are in the Clubroom if you wish to sign, and if you would like a blank sheet to take to other organisations that you are involved with eg. U3A, Three Score Club, Church, please ask me for one.
We have a busy summer season ahead, with fixtures in men’s, ladies’ and mixed leagues and our Club competitions. Club Finals weekend is Friday 30th and Saturday 31st August and Sunday 1st September.
And finally, don’t forget to check the Cleaning Rota which will be published soon. If you are unavailable please tell your team leader or arrange a swap with another member.
Our next GPC meeting is on Wednesday 8th May (VE Day) – please let us know if there are any matters that you would like us to discuss.
With thanks, as always, for your support. Steven
Steven Brice President, on behalf of the GPC